Thursday, January 1, 2009

Today is THE DAY.

First I want to wish all my readers a very HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Second, I'm getting my dreaded "before" pictures taken today. Thanks to the professional services of my very good friend Brigitte.
I'm debating on posting them. You all will get to see the real me. The ugly me. And I don't want to lose what few friends I have.
So, can you give me reasons I should or shouldn't post my before pic for the world to see? Will it truly motivate me to make the much needed changes? To put myself out there and embarrass the hell out of myself like that? To submit myself to ridicule? Hmmm.
I promise they will be modest, but also revealing enough to show why I am doing this challenge. Sorry guys. There will be no booby shots.


Brigitte Ballard said...

I am about to download them to my computer. I am still debating if I should post mine. /sigh

The Dave said...

sometimes we need a bit of reality to kick us in the ass..

jess said...

you know, maybe post them AFTER you lose the weight for comparison? if that makes you feel better?