Saturday, January 3, 2009

Dawson & Ariana-isms

I stole the title of this post from a good friend. I hope she doesn't mind, cause I liked it a lot.
Her story of some things her kids said reminded me of a funny story about my kids and how often they make me laugh.
We don't live close to our family and only see them about once a year, so when the kids were little it was hard for them to understand which grandma we were referring to when we talked about them.
So we would refer to Dave's mom as Crazy Grandma and my mom as Grumpy Grandma. Now before you blow a gasket, please understand. Before my mom and dad divorced in 1998 my mom was REALLY unhappy. And Dave's mom, well. She IS crazy. Not lunatic crazy. Just naive crazy.
Anyhoo. We were visiting my mom one summer and Ariana was about 5. We were sitting around visiting with my mom, some of my aunts and cousins who had come to visit while we were in town. I can't remember what the conversation was exactly but I'm thinking we were talking about my dad. Ariana comes up to me and says for everyone to hear..."THIS is grumpy grandma!" I about died. Everyone started laughing. Hard. My mom was pissed. I tried to explain to everyone but it didn't help. I'm sure my mom has NEVER forgiven me for that.
Needless to say we changed their nicknames. Since that day we refer to Dave's mom as City Grandma and my mom is Country Grandma. Much more PC.


jess said...

doh!!! i named a former neighbor "crazy lady" (because she IS!!!!) and my kids have totally said it loud enough for her to overhear. no wonder she doesn't like me. LMAO

His Pale Muse said...



yeah our gramma is crazy
its all good!