Monday, December 1, 2008


We went and saw Twilight on Thanksgiving day. It was my daughters 2nd time seeing it, 1st time for the rest of us.
We did our traditional Thanksgiving dinner early (11:30) at Angies (which was wonderful BTW and THANK YOU ANGIES!!!) then to the movie. Because this movie has been sold out since it came out in theaters, I thought it wise we buy our tickets early-before we went to lunch/dinner. Low and behold, we were seated and served Thanksgiving dinner in record time and were able catch the earlier showing which was DEAD.
The movie itself was great. Fairly true to the book. I give it 4 out of 5 stars. Only because I thought the love scenes were a little long and sappy.
If you go, bring a can of food and get free drink or popcorn!


Brigitte Ballard said...

I've seen it twice... I'll be seeing it again this week with my sister-in-law. I'll see it three times not because I love it so much, but because everyone I know needs someone to see it with.

The kiss scene and the baseball scene were amazing.