Friday, November 6, 2009


On our way home every day we stop at the mailbox and grab the mail.
About a week ago a small box came addressed to Dawson.
The return address showed the package was from the Make-A-Wish foundation.
He immediately opened it.
In the car.
Inside the box was a small cardboard castle.
Inside the castle was a key.
Alongside the key was a fancy smancy invitation.
It reads:
"It is our deepest honor to invite you and your family
to come visit A WISHING PLACE for the special occasion
of making your wish.
Please bring this key with you when you come,
for it alone will open the WISHING ROOM
at the top of the WISHING TOWER.
We eagerly await your presence."
He took it straight to his room and put it on his special shelf.
I had to beg for it just to write this post accurately.


Melissa said...

Thats so awesome! when do you guys get to go do that? where is the wishing tower?

Nan said...

I have no idea...I just wait for more info in the mail!!! But he is SO excited...I can't wait to experience his joy!