Saturday, June 7, 2008


SOOOO, for my daughters 13th birthday I took the day off of work and spent the day with her. It was actually one of the best days I can remember having in a long time. We went shopping, to lunch, and shopping some more. We went to the mall, sat in one of those massager chairs, and got our pictures taken together in the photo booth. It was like hanging out with my best friend when I was a teenager. I had so much fun, I can't wait to do it again. THANK YOU NANA BISCUIT! Anyhoo...for her official "party", we were supposed to have her friends gather at the park this afternoon...but since the weather wasn't even close to what was predicted earlier this week...we went with plan "B" and saw Kung Fu Panda. Yes. 7 teen-age girls in one row. Sorry mister stick-up-my-ass that didn't get his favorite theater spot, but we were there uber earlier than you and I was determined to make sure we got great seats. I highly recommend this movie to any family, but PLEASE leave children under 5 at home, cause I guarantee they will get bored and agitate the other people who actually came to watch the movie. And PLEASE make sure your kids aren't kicking the seats of the people sitting in front of them. Otherwise, some NOT-SO-TOLERANT parent might smack your kids legs while your not looking.


Brigitte Ballard said...

I totally want to take my kids to this tomorrow.


The Dave said...

Anybody wanna guess who the not so tolerant parent was?