Sunday, January 3, 2010


It's been a crazy year. I'm really looking forward to making some
improvements this upcoming year starting with myself.
Some resolutions....
1) Take better care of myself
~ I tend to let my needs fall behind everyone else's
2) Blog more.
~ I'm dedicating this years blogging to my kids.
3) Let my hair grow out
~ this is going to be a tough one.
I've done it before though, so I know it can be done!!
4) Manage my time better
~ this may mean less time on Facebook,
but hopefully you will see more of me in person!!!
5) Spend more quality time with my family
~ always a challenge. So many distractions!!!
6) Cook more.
~ ugh. I'm not a great cook and I hate the after clean up process.
BUT this will also force me to eat better which helps
with resolution #1.
7) Eat less, move more.
~ back to #1
Happy New Year!!! I hope it turns out a great one for us all!!!